Tuesday, February 16, 2016

TNVL: Online money making - Swagbucks

Hi everyone!
It's that time again, another episode of "That's Not Very Lolita (of you)"~
Yikes, I though I'd have something good to say today but I do not. If you're interested in money making, you'd be wise to avoid this website for a while.

Sunday, February 7, 2016

TNVL: Online money making - Gifthulk

Hey everyone! 
So my taobao haul is going to be mega late since two items didn't get shipped in time before they took CNY off. :< 
But I was thinking about everything I do throughout the day and realized...I've use a lot of money making websites in the past. I've narrowed the list down to the three I use every day, but I'll go into detail of each in their own post.